On Line Teaching Degrees Helpful Tip

When considering On Line Teaching Degrees, make sure that you acquaint yourself with the procedure of accreditation for online institutions.It is accreditation of a college or an online institution that qualifies it as a genuine online education platform.

Are You Knowledgeable About College Accreditation?

An online institution is considered accredited after an appropriate regulating body has checked it and found its programs to be within a lawful standard.

The reason for accreditation is to ensure that only high level of education is available for the intending students and the general public.

Bodies charged with the evaluation and accreditation of online schools and all schools usually focus on a school's academic resources including course outlines, programs' requirements, students admissions and support services in relation to its mission statement.

Accreditations for schools are not the same across countries in terms of processes. In some countries government agencies are saddled with the responsibilities of evaluating and accrediting schools, while in some other countriesaccreditation is the responsibility of private organizations that regulate their members according to standards set up by the association.

This is in spite of the fact that both the federal and state governments still have control of the standard of education in the country; there are national and state agencies that make sure that the set standard of education at both the national and state levels are adhered to. This is why any decision you make about On Line Teaching Degrees must result from a thorough research on your part.

Why An Accredited School Is Your Best Choice

Not to find out the status of the school you intend to join for your online degree program is tantamount to groping in the dark, and you could fall into a deep hole of disappointment. Yeah, what I am hinting at is you could finish your course and get a degree that is not accredited, because the school was not accredited. Employers do not accept unaccredited degrees. Majority of the online schools are not accredited.

Finally, be informed that most of the sites offering online degree may have the accreditation tag display on them for the purpose of deceiving you. It is best that you investigate the authenticity of the claims as you make up your mind for the school to enroll with. Find out if the accreditation was given by a relevant agency. Your desire for On Line Teaching Degrees should not be overriding factor.


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Schools Accreditation Bodies

Since it appears that most people obtain their bachelor degrees off line before going for online masters degrees, employers tend to favor them, and even if both your bachelors degree and masters are both online, you are considered to be more well read.

Thus, the need for you to not end your online higher education at a bachelors degree, endeavor to study more and obtain your masters degree, so that you will be acceptable to employers.

Note that it is not enough for you to obtain an online masters degree, your online degree should be from an accredited online institution for it to be respected by employers. Do not waste you money and time in an online school that is not accredited.

Verify the accrediting body that accredited the online virtual institution you intend to enroll with if you are not going with an online school that has a brick and mortar off line parent college. Make sure that the accrediting agency is genuine, employers don't hire graduates of unaccredited online schools.

Take a look at some of the accrediting agencies saddled with the evaluation and accreditation of schools:

Regional Online Master Degree Accreditation

Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Higher Education www.msche.org

Middle States Commission on Secondary Schools www.css-msa.org

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Institutions of Higher Education www.neasc.org

New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Commission on Technical and Career Institutions www.neasc.org

North Central Association of Colleges and Schools, The Higher Learning Commission www.ncahigherlearningcommission.org

North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement, Board of Trustees www.ncacasi.org

Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities www.nwccu.org

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, Commission on Colleges www.sacs.org

Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges www.wascweb.org